Personalized Services
Hands-On Approach to Every Case
We Listen to Client's Needs
Corporations, high-net-worth (HNW) individuals, and even those of modest means often have estates worth planning for. Understanding these varied needs is more critical than ever, particularly in a highly fluid federal estate, trust, and gifting regulatory environment. Even U.S. corporations with overseas assets must stay attuned to the domestic tax implications.
The Miami Tax Lawyer® assists clients in valuing their holdings, assessing estate and gifting goals, and establishing trusts and other planning vehicles to align with those objectives.
This might include gifting assets from elders to children or grandchildren, freezing assets to ensure future growth for the next generations, or earmarking assets for distribution to minimize tax implications as lower estate gifting taxes sunset in the coming years. For many, such gifting also involves donations to foundations, nonprofits, and other charitable organizations.
Contact us to discuss your unique needs.
(305) 224-8218
Miami, FL and the Surrounding Area
Nationwide Tax Law Practice
By Appointment Only
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